Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Attachment Theory Relationship Between Parent Or Other...

According to Susan Robbins (2011), attachment theory emphasizes the importance of the interaction between parent or other caregiver and the child. The child participates in the interaction, which results in emotional bonding. She argued that the basic principles of attachment theory state that a relationship exists between experience and being able to later bond with others, hence the importance of bonding. She also states that the behavior of the parent’s is complementary to attachment behavior. Successful attachment is dependent upon a secure base. Understanding a child’s attachment behavior and shaping their own behavior to unlay the child’s fears and anxiety and willingness to allow a child to explore which shows a respect for the child’s interest (Susan Robin, 2011). A secure attachment is necessary for healthy emotional development. It encourages exploration and the tolerance for separation without undue distress. Secure attachment fosters independe nce, mastery and a sense of self-regulation. It lets the child know she or he is worthy of receiving proper care and attention and develops a sense of self- worth and self- esteem ( Susan Robin, 2011). In Max’s case it seems like he did not have a successful attachment with his mother. According to the information provided, Max’s great Aunt, Agnes was the only one who tried to develop a secure attachment with Max. According to the information received, she was a very engaged caregiver, dressing, feeding, playing, singing,Show MoreRelatedThe Social And Emotional Development Essay1108 Words   |  5 PagesAttachment relationship is important for both child and parents/caregiver to develop because of social and emotional need. A child’s emotional and social development has significant impact for the social function of a child throughout their lives, education, friendships and employment. 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(Barth, 2005) The quality of early attachment relationships is correlated with f uture personality and brain development. â€Å"The Attachment Theory is a foundation theory, developed by Bowlby. It focusses on the form, quality, and strengths of human attachments made in early life and their effects on development in pro social behaviors† (Tuner, 2011, p.30). Practitioners have found that the importance of forming a bond with a child from birth has the possibilityRead MoreThe Theory Of Attachment Theory1281 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Attachment theory centers around relationships and bonds formed between people. It generally focuses on long term relationships such as parents or caregivers and children. The theme of the theory is that if the primary caregiver is responsive to a child’s needs, then he or she will develop a sense of security. If a parent or caregiver does not provide this, a child will have trouble attaching and forming relationships in the future. 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The attachment process itself responds to the developing identity of the child which is very dependent of the sensitivity and guidance of the caregiver. John Bowlby takes attachment theory in a more biological/ evolutionary perspective, in which he views these forming of bonds as a survival mechanism in which the infant insuresRead MoreThe Theory, Ego Psychology, And Attachment Theory1483 Words   |  6 PagesDrive Theory, Ego Psychology, Object Relations, Self Psychology, and Attachment Theory are different vistas from which we can observe and study human development. I have decided to explain mine from the perspective of Attachment Theory, whose main contributors include John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, and Mary Main. However, before doing so, it would be useful to outline a bony framework and define certain key concepts of Attachment Theory, which focuses on the relationships and bonds between people--particularlyRead MoreAttachment Is The Emotional Bond Created By A Child With Their Primary Caregiver1568 Words   |  7 PagesAttachment is the emotional bond created by a child with their primary caregiver, which is normally the mother. An example of attachment would be if the mother left the baby, and the baby cries from her absence. The connection normally begins when the child is around six months of age. It’s key for infants to develop. Babies aren’t comfortable away from their mothers. It varies around the world, but it is still very important no matter where the infant is from. It is mainly studied. (Child AdolescentRead MoreThe Theories And Principles Of Attachment Theory1621 Words   |  7 PagesExploration of Attachment Theory Fully describe the theory including the main concepts and principles Attachment theory is a concept that explores the importance of attachment in respect to direct development. â€Å"It is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space† (Bowlby, 1969; McLeod, 2009). It is the relationship that develops within the first year of the infant’s life between them and their caregiver. The theory also relates to the quality of theRead MoreAttachment Theory Is Defined As The Emotional And Psychological1611 Words   |  7 PagesAttachment Theory is defined as the emotional and psychological bond between a child and their caregiver, which starts from birth and is believed to last a lifetime. (Arxcis, 2017). The first published works of attachment theory were done by John Bowlby, a child psychiatrist, in 1969, with Mary Ainsworth, a Canadian psychologist, later collaborating with Bowlby to include different attachment types. Bowlby’s theory, which was influenced from Konrad Lorenz’s idea o f familial imprinting, stated that

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